Between Allah And You

Assalamualaikum and good evening to all my dear readers. Allahumma solli ala sayyidina Muhammad .First and foremost,I am back with my english post .  I pick three hot topics that are very popular among teenagers like us.

1. You're excellent but..

-When you choose to study hard until you forget your time to perform solah.
Do you think Allah will help you to success in your life?
Last week, all students were reading sejarah's book  while I chose to talk with cikgu. I cried with her because I afraid that I couldn't answer the question because I didn't read book.
And Cikgu told to me read Al-fatihah and Surah Al-ikhlas (x21) and she said

"Ahsanah,you're asking for His help now.Trust Him"

and do you believe or not, I could see the answer from book.It's like hallucinations
I'm not trying to show off but I want to tell that everything is belong to Him.
Everything dear..

It doesn't matter if you are brilliant or not but when you're always perform solah,pray for His help and do amar makruf nahi mungkar, He will help you and ease everything for you

2. Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

-Well,it's your life to couple or not since "kubur masing-masing. suka hati aku la' is so popular among teenangers. Typical teenagers maybe..

Dear... I choose to believe that you guys couple because you feel lonely. You want attention from someone but you ended up choose a wrong person. This is a sensitive issue but I choose to talk about this. Why you choose a 'wrong person' while your 'jodoh/fate' have already written in Luh Mahfuz? Tell me why?

If you want to make sure that he/she is your jodoh,ask Him through Istikharah.
Istikharah everyone... not Ikhtiar nak mengorat anak orang kat sekolah 

(p/s : Istikharah when you are confuse about something like choosing a partner for marriage not for coupling-coupling)

3. Fahion

This topic is popular among the students especially girls.
I have a lot of interest in fashion recently especially harajuku sailor dress with straight cut jeans. A high cut shoes is a good combination with the outfit. In my opinion la... But !

Hipster or not, make sure to cover our aurat properly.
Not wrap our aurat.

Tudung labuh? Niqab?
It doesn't make sense when a girl wear tudung labuh + niqab and do a mistake, she get a lot of criticism. Do you think she will able to have a proper life since a lot of people pay attention to her and to find any mistake that she will do.
Allah.. people have a lot of inovative and creative ideas to badmouth someone.
She choose to wear like that but still she is a sinner. Like us.

Yeah ' Don't judge book it;'s cover'
'Ingat orang yang bertudung labuh ni baik la....' is so popular among teenagers
'Aku tak pakai tudung pun tak pe tapi aku baik hati'

( golongan yang memisahkan iman dengan amal)
Bear in mind everyone is sinner. They do sins and they repeat it again. It's good if you tell your friends properly with Hikmah

'Weh,that's not good.Sopan sikit baru comel.Baru ayu dan comel '
'You look good with Hijab,'

Alhamdulillah, when you choose to stay quiet than joining people badmouthing someone.

Alhamdulillah, when you choose to wear loose jeans instead of tight jeans.
Alhamdulillah, when you choose to be with your good friends who will advise you everytime and always remind you about Allah.

Alhamdulillah.. thank you Allah.
I'm sorry if my words hurt everyone, I'm really sorry.
Maaf zahir batin.
May Allah ease everything for us.
