Lonely Room

It's feel so strange that we keep thinking about unnecessary things
We do feel sad, but the sadness in ourselves make us
become more and more difficult for us.
The moment we stay in room, alone, looking at white wall
We do feel strange about this certain feeling..

why i'm doing?
Am i manage to do well for the rest of this in the future
there are a lot of people expecting me to do well but..

We do feel this but we don't want to tell this feeling to people..
because other people have their own lives..
because every people have their own difficulties that we don't understand

we see our friends smiling widely while doing their work
able to make jokes and laugh when hear it
spending their time at beautiful place..

It must be great to be happy without having problems..

and we look down upon them
we say that they're happy because they don't have problem
they are smiling widely because they enjoy every single things they're doing
they have supportive family, friends and lovers maybe..

But we don't know that..
most people hide their feeling through their smile.
They are also normal human beings
They want to be alone too
They want to stay in the same lonely room like us
wondering about the same problem like us

Difficulties, stress, pills, expectation, hearbreak etc
we all have this difficulties
we afraid to go out from our lonely room
we afraid to face the reality of cruel world
but then..

" And whoever puts all his trust in Allah (SWT), He will be enough for him "
Surah At-Talaq (65:1-3)

"So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief 
Surah al-Inshirah (94:5-6)

We forget the Almigthy One that always watching us
taking care our hearts and soul
we pray and He listen very well
we tell the problem and He gives us the solution

The moment we go out from this lonely room
remember the one who always with us
They are smiling widely and sent their prayers for us
Hoping that we are able to fight our 'fear'

Find strength and Let's walk together along the road with flowers!
2018! Here I come.
