Give Up Or Second Chance?

The moment..
when i have to give up my dream
because i'm not deserve it
I'm crying so hard
Hoping that I'm strong enough
to overcome this hardships

My parents, whom I love dearly
I'm sorry that i don't give the best achievement
like you expected from me
I'm sorry that I disappointed you called me,
you're very proud of me
You're happy that I did really best
Mak, Abah..
Thank you for cheering me up
I'm sorry and thank you for everything

I'm happy that you did well
even better than me
sincerely..I'm happy for
I'm sorry that I didn't do well
I'm disappointed my friends again..
thank you for comforting me
thank you for teaching me

I don't think i'm good enough
to achieve my big dream
but deep inside, my heart
I don't give up yet
I still held my dreams

I'm not quitter 
I will do my best till the end
I will never give up easily
I will make my parents
my family,
my teachers,
my friends,
happy for my achievement

And to my dear friends
please don't give up too
Let's do well till the end
Let's walk together even if it's not a flowery path

O Allah, I'm seeking for Your help.
May you guide me till the end

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; 
and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. 
And Allah Knows, while you know not"
