It's April

Assalamualaikum semua, terima kasih sekali datang menjenguk blog ini (Sekali lagi aku terskip bulan Mac huaaaa ) Saya minta maaf in sha Allah akan cuba untuk up new entry tentang aktiviti baru-baru ini saya dah buat. By the way, siapa rindu poems aku ? Hahaha tapi masih lagi rasa macam bukan poem ni ^^; Semoga hari-hari anda terus cerita dan In sha Allah ada sambungan poem ini.

Jangan risau =) 

Choosing to live

I believe there's many reason
for you to stay alive
to find calmness in your life
to find yourself

Escape. I once did it
It was one of best decision
i didn't regret nor i felt lose
it was a moment that i need to be alone

However, tears build up
Realising the truth about 'alone'
The wall keep building higher
between the people and myself

I knew and continued doing it
The lonely room that I created
it just therapeutic for me
but a suffer room for them

I shut the door
and threw the key
to the place that I don't know

I lose the key
I locked myself in this room
for years...

-To Be Continued
